Tuesday 23 April 2024
Σχολιασμός Αντίβαρου

Οι Βρετανοί, η Κύπρος και τα πρώτα έγγραφα του Wikileaks…

Μέχρι και το wikileaks λογοκρίνει λέξεις και ίσως προτάσεις (όταν ο Βρετανός
Πάττεν 3 μέρες μετά το δημοψήφισμα στην Κύπρο βρίζει τον Παπαδόπουλο). Τα υπόλοιπα περί του ότι θα βρουν τρόπους (παρά τα νομικά εμπόδια) να στηρίξουν τα κατεχόμενα, ασχολίαστα…

¶3. (C) The next steps for the Commission are figuring out how to spend
money in Northern Cyprus. Patten expects the EC to open an office to
oversee their assistance. While there will be legal hurdles to managing
the process, he was confident the Commission would find a way. Patten
doubted the Greek Cypriots would openly oppose any efforts, noting that
they were “on their heels” diplomatically after their blatant efforts
to stifle opposing views on the referendum. This incident, Patten said,
was a sad reflection on the realities of EU enlargement: Some of the new
members were people you would “only want to dine with if you have a
very long spoon.” Not that the EU should have been surprised by
Papadopolous’ behavior, Patten said, since they knew well who they were
dealing with: Milosevic’s lawyer.XXXXXXXXXXXX …


Το παραπάνω απόσπασμα, σε συνδυασμό με το ακόλουθο (Τούρκος Υφ.Υπ.Εξ.) που χαρακτηρίζει την Κύπρο «άτρωτη» τώρα που είναι πλήρες μέλος της ΕΕ, αποδεικνύει πέραν πάσης αμφιβολίας ότι όσοι από αυτούς που γνώριζαν τα πράγματα ήταν ανοιχτά υπέρ… του Σχεδίου Ανάν, κατά βάση εργαζόντουσαν εναντίον των συμφερόντων της Κύπρου. Πάμε

¶10. (C) He regretted perceived Greek Cypriot complacency
regarding the island’s reunification talks: EU “membership
makes them invulnerable.” Greek Cypriots, he said, want the
world to forget the progress achieved by the Annan Plan in
¶2004. They pretend relations between the island’s two
communities are an internal affair, even though, by treaty,
it’s been an international issue for 50 years. Talat’s
cross-voting proposal, Sinirlioglu continued, should have
been a breakthrough, but the Greek Cypriots failed to react.
Downer is frustrated, Sinirlioglu alleged, and so are the
Turkish Cypriots. He implied the island’s Turkish community
would register its frustration by voting out Talat as TRNC
“president” in April. He renewed Turkey’s appeal for higher
profile direct USG involvement in the negotiations.


Περισσότερα για το Σχέδιο Ανάν στο αφιέρωμα εκείνης της εποχής, στην πρώτη μεγάλη εκστρατεία ενημέρωσης του Αντίβαρου το 2004


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